Federation Units

The foundation stone for the Central Dairy was laid on 15th October 1959 by Shri S.K.Patil, the then Minister for Food and Agriculture, Government of India. The Plant and Machineries was erected and commissioned on 28/1/1963 at a total outlay of Rs.44.00 Lakhs.
Plant and machineries of the Central Dairy was gifted by the Government and people of New Zealand under “Colombo Plans” when the Central Dairy started its operations. It was under the control of “Madras Dairy and Milk Project” which was later converted as “Dairy Development Department” with the Commissioner for Milk Production and Dairy Development as its Head Of the Department, having been vested with the powers of Registrar of Milk Co.operatives.
Subsequently the Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Corporation was formed under the Companies Act w.e.f. 1.7.1972 and took over the Dairy Units Transport Net work and the commercial activities of the Dairy Development Department.
The installed capacity of Central Dairy was originally 50,000 Litres/day which was increased stage by stage to 2.00 lakh litres/day and at present it is equipped to pack and despatch 3.5 lakhs litres of milk / day.
Tamil Nadu Co.operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited was registered on 1st February 1981. The commercial activities of Department such as milk procurement, processing, packing and sale of milk to the consumers etc. hitherto dealt with by the Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Corporation Ltd. Was transferred to the newly registered Tamil Nadu Co.operative Milk Producers’ Federation ltd.
Sourcing of Milk from various District Unions is being done by Planning Section of Head Office as per the procurement trends of the respective unions. The same is being monitored by Dy.General Manager (Quality Control) of Joint Managing Director’s Office and co-ordinated on a daily basis by the respective Dy.General Manager(Production) of Metro Dairies. Allotment of milk to respective Dairies are reviewed and modified on monthly basis based on the respective Metro Dairy milk requirements.
The Dairy is now handling about 3.82 Lakhs litres per day, which is around 109% of the capacity utilization of the Dairy when compare to the installed capacity of 3.5 LLPD.
Totally 53 Routes Vehicles, 36 Whole Sale Dealer Routes are being operated for Milk distribution at Central Dairy and the share of distribution channel is 58% through route vehicles 42% through whole sale dealers.